Hip Pain Specialist in Atlanta, Georgia

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According to the results of the Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 12% to 15% of adults over 60 experience chronic hip pain that interferes with their lives. If you experience hip pain, you may think that you can only turn to surgical options to get relief. However, at Atlanta Innovative Medicine our Hip Pain Specialist can provide other treatments that can be quite effective.

Causes of Hip Pain

Hip Pain Specialist man sitting on white colored couch in a blue shirt and light blue vest clutching his lower back with both his hands
We can treat numerous causes of hip pain at our clinic, which specializes in an individualized approach for each patient’s unique needs.
Here are some examples below of major conditions of hip pain:


Hip Pain Specialist Woman clutching her right hip with both hands
Osteoarthritis is the most common type of arthritis, and it is a degenerative disease. It most commonly occurs in the hands, knees, and hips.
The symptoms of osteoarthritis appear when the cartilage that provides cushioning for the joints begins to break down. If the cartilage disappears completely, bones can rub against one another, causing pain and discomfort. Osteoarthritis can be debilitating. It often presents with the following symptoms:
  • Pain 
  • Aching
  • Tenderness
  • Bone spurs
  • Grating sensations
  • Swelling
  • Loss of flexibility
People who are more prone to developing osteoarthritis are those who are older, are female, have joint injuries, are overweight, have metabolic diseases like hemochromatosis, and those that place excessive stress on their joints.

Hip Bursitis

Hip Pain Specialist man sitting on cream colored couch in a blue business shirt, clutching his lower back in his right hand and holding a glass of water in his left and grimacing
Bursitis refers to an inflammation of the bursae. These are small, jelly-like sacs found throughout the body, including around your hips.
The liquid they contain and their position between bones and soft tissue provides extra cushioning against bone friction. Each hip has two major bursae that can become swollen. One of them covers the point of the hip bone and is called the greater trochanter. The other bursa, known as the iliopsoas bursa, is on the inside of the hip, on the groin side. Bursitis in this area is less common.

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People who are more at risk of developing hip bursitis include those who have:
  • Previous hip injuries
  • Certain spinal diseases
  • Repetitive stress injuries
  • Rheumatoid arthritis 
  • Calcium deposits
  • Unequal leg lengths
The main symptom of hip bursitis is hip pain that extends to the outside of the thigh. The pain can be intense and sharp, or it can be more of a dull ache. This pain might worsen at night or when getting up from a chair.

Bone Fractures

Hip Pain Specialist Woman athlete standing, hunched over with her right hand grasping her right hip and her left hand on her right knee
A bone fracture is a break or crack in a bone, and it occurs when the force exerted on the bone is more than it can withstand.
Fractures at the hip are very common and can cause considerable pain. Hip bone fractures typically occur after a fall or other injury.
Some common symptoms of a hip bone fracture include:
  • Pain
  • Not being able to stand
  • Not being able to rotate, lift, or move your leg
  • Bruising and swelling on your hip
These injuries are more common in older age.

Lumbar Radiculopathy

Hip Pain Specialist Elderly man sitting on edge of the bed hunched over with right hand on his lower back
Lumbar radiculopathy affects the nerve roots in the spine and the lower back. The related pain is deep and steady.
When the pain radiates down to your leg, it is known as sciatica. Some of the main causes of lumbar radiculopathy are inflammation (which compresses the nerves), wear and tear, and physical trauma. The most common symptoms include:
  • Pain in the lower back
  • Muscle spasms
  • Numbness, tingling, or muscle weakness in the hips, legs, groin, or buttocks
Lumbar radiculopathy is more common in men and in people who lead sedentary lifestyles, work in heavy industry, spend a lot of time driving, are taller, have a history of back pain or back trauma, or have a chronic cough.

Treatment Options For Hip Pain

Achieving hip pain relief does not mean that your only option is surgery.
Learn about the treatments we offer below or call now to schedule your free consultation at 770.416.9995.

Treatment Options For Hip Pain

Hip Pain Specialist Older man with white collared tshirt swinging golf club and fellow player wearing a pink collared tshirt watching in the background
At Atlanta Innovative Medicine, we offer stem cell therapy to treat hip pain. Stem cells are very useful because they can duplicate and become other kinds of cells.
They can repair injuries and help with the hip pain that may result from physical trauma, osteoarthritis, and many other conditions.
At our hip pain relief center, we offer both adipose and bone marrow stem cell therapy.
Adipose stem cell therapy requires us to extract a small amount of fat from your abdomen or buttocks. This fat tissue can contain between 30 and 60 million stem cells, making it an excellent source.
In addition, adipose tissue contains over different types of growth factors that can direct repair functions, as well as cytokines, which attach to cell receptors and signal them to begin repair procedures.
We can also use bone marrow stem cell therapy to help with hip pain. Bone marrow stem cells are multipotent adult cells that can be a good option for the treatment of hip pain.
Stem cell therapy using adipose or bone marrow offers several benefits over other treatment methods. For example, it is not likely to cause immunological reactions because the cells come from your own body. It is also a therapy option that does not require a long recovery time, as surgery would.

Platelet-Rich Plasma

Hip Pain Specialist Woman with gray hair smiling while stretching her arms out from each side in a yoga pose. Others around her doing the same yoga pose
Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy can help with the healing of strain, sprains, and other soft tissue injuries.
Platelets are a component of your blood that contain growth factors in concentrated levels. We begin PRP therapy by collecting a blood sample from you, and running that sample through a centrifuge. The centrifuge separates and concentrates the platelets, allowing us to inject the substance into the treatment area.
This minimally invasive procedure activates your body’s natural healing and regenerative mechanisms so that you can get relief from pain without going through more involved treatments. It is a particularly good choice for the treatment of osteoarthritis.
Most of our patients receive two or three PRP injections from our hip pain doctors. These injections are spread out over a few weeks. Then, we will follow up with maintenance injections to treat degenerative diseases like osteoarthritis.
Call our hip pain specialists to schedule your free consultation at 770.416.9995

Get Relief From Hip Pain

Hip Pain Specialist Older man wearing dark green tshirt and black shorts in mid-leap while running. Man wearing a black tank top and dark blue shorts running behind the first man.
Hip pain can affect your entire life, keeping you from participating in your favorite activities and even impacting your professional life.
Whether you have osteoarthritis, hip bursitis, a hip injury, or any other type of hip pain, we can help.
This minimally invasive procedure activates your body’s natural healing and regenerative mechanisms so that you can get relief from pain withAt Atlanta Innovative Medicine, we treat each of our patients as the unique individual they are, focusing on the person as a whole and not as a list of symptoms. out going through more involved treatments. It is a particularly good choice for the treatment of osteoarthritis.
To begin your road to relief and recovery, call us now at 770.416.9995.

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A Closer Look at
Regenerative Medicine: Comparing Your Options.
By Farhan Malik, MD

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