Trigger Point Injections in Atlanta, Georgia

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Stiffness, bruising, or painful muscles can lead to ‘trigger points’—tight, knotted muscle fibers. Beyond typical post-workout soreness, those with musculoskeletal disorders or past injuries can develop these points from consistent muscle stress. For those grappling with such discomfort, Trigger Point Injections at Atlanta Innovative Medicine (AIM) offer a promising solution. 

We specialize in alleviating pain and restoring motion by directly addressing these trigger points, targeting the root of the radiating pain.

What Are Trigger Points?

Trigger Point Injections, Older man with white hair and facial hair has a look of pain on his face while elevating his right arm and clutching his right shoulder with his left hand.

A trigger point is a sensitive, centralized area of the muscle that may feel like a knot or a tight band when touched and becomes painful when pressed.

The trigger point develops when a muscle becomes irritated due to alignment issues, overuse, or injury. In turn, the area aggravates the surrounding nerves, causing pain that radiates to other body parts. 

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Trigger points can obstruct the body’s ability to repair and heal damaged tissue. As the muscles tighten and form a knot, inflammation and swelling can occur, stagnating the blood flow to the area as the muscle continues to contract around the pain point.

While trigger points can occur anywhere in the body, they are most common in the rhomboid and trapezius muscles in the upper back. Pain from muscle knots can cause headaches, aches, and stiffness in the legs, arms, and lower back. 

One of the most effective ways to alleviate this pain is through trigger point injections. 

If you’re experiencing the effects of a painful trigger point, call us now at 770.232.6243.

What Are Trigger Point Injections?

Trigger Point Injections, Doctor wearing white lab coat and blue medical gloves inserts needle into patient's back

Trigger point injections pain treatments use a cocktail of medications to alleviate muscle tightness and discomfort. The mixture is customized to relieve your muscle pain. We consider the intensity of your pain, your symptoms, and your unique circumstances to determine the best combination of medications to meet your needs.

Our trigger point injections pain specialists may include the following treatments to relax your trigger point:

  • Local anesthetics
  • Sarapin
  • Saline
  • Botulinum toxin (Botox)

These medications help relax the spasming muscles and alleviate inflammation, improving blood flow and promoting the body’s natural healing response. As a result, the muscle tightness releases, and the renewed blood flow brings healing oxygen and nutrients to the damaged muscles, allowing the body to repair itself. 

If you’re suffering from pain and stiffness due to a trigger point, schedule your free trigger point injections treatment now.

To get started, simply call our experienced staff at 770.232.6243

Who Needs Trigger Point Injections Pain Relief?

Trigger Point Injections, Woman jogger wearing black capri leggings and dark gray sneakers is bent over grasping her right calf muscle with both of her hands

Patients with persistent pain from a trigger point who can’t find relief from over-the-counter pain medications, heat therapy, or massage therapy may be optimal candidates for trigger point injections. 

We typically combine our trigger point injections with other therapies, like chiropractic care and physical therapy, to realign structural imbalances and restore proper body mechanics to reduce the occurrence of a trigger point. 

To determine whether you’re a good candidate, your trigger point injections doctor will perform a thorough physical exam. We’ll identify the cause of your pain to ensure trigger point injections will be effective. Some conditions we’ll rule out include the following:

  • Muscle or ligament strains 
  • Tendon sprains
  • Spinal concerns, such as a herniated disc or spinal stenosis
  • A pinched nerve or radiculopathy

A trigger point can reduce your range of motion, as the tightness shortens the muscle and stiffens movement. Your muscle will recover slowly from exertion, and work excessively when exercising. A severe trigger point can cause imbalances in the muscles that disarticulate the joints, causing them to catch or pop with movement.

If you’re experiencing trigger point pain, letting the condition go untreated can lead to further musculoskeletal conditions.

Schedule your free trigger point injections pain treatment now at 770.232.6243

What Can I Expect from Trigger Point Injections?

Trigger Point Injections, Man and woman couple wearing athletic clothing jogging side by side with smiles on their faces

When you come to AIM for a trigger point injection procedure, we’ll pinpoint the location of your trigger point by gently compressing the area and observing the muscle twitch and your level of pain.

 After correctly identifying the source of your pain, we’ll gently pinch the point to stabilize the tissue before administering your injection. We might need to apply the medication to multiple points within the muscle, so we will gently needle the area without completely retracting the syringe.

The injections target the muscle from multiple directions until the muscle relaxes completely. Typically, just one course of trigger point injections provides sustained pain relief. 

A. Trigger Point Injections for Neck

Trigger points in the neck can cause you to develop:

A 2018 study found that patients with health conditions affecting the neck and shoulders were more likely to have trigger points in these areas than those without neck and shoulder disorders.

Trigger point injections in the neck may target the scalene muscle group, the suboccipital muscles in the neck, and the levator scapulae.

B. Trigger Point Injections for Arms

Muscle pain from trigger points can compress the nerves traveling from the neck, shoulders, or forearms, creating wrist pain and numbness. 

Unfortunately, many patients with symptoms of trigger points in the arms, such as numbness and tingling sensations in the fingers, are misdiagnosed with conditions such as carpal tunnel syndrome or thoracic outlet syndrome, as the referred trigger point pain mimics these disorders.

Muscle groups along the arm likely to develop trigger points include the following:

  • Infraspinatus
  • Subscapularis
  • Trapezius
  • Wrist extensors
  • Wrist flexors

Since the shoulder muscle groups work to hold the joint in place, all aspects of the joint are affected when trigger points develop in the region. In addition, the muscles of the rotator cuff are small and easily overloaded, so trigger points are more likely to cause tears.

C. Trigger Point Injections for Lower Back

Lower back pain is the most common pain reported by adults in the U.S. A trigger point in the lower back may initially affect only one or two muscles. However, when left untreated, up to ten different muscle groups may become affected by the trigger point, requiring much more invasive treatment. 

Painful nerve conditions like sciatica sometimes stem from spinal compression; however, when the symptoms of sciatica tend to fluctuate with body position and activity, the cause may be muscular instead and benefit from trigger point injections.

D. Trigger Point Injections for Legs

Trigger points are common in the legs, especially for athletes who continuously place stress on their knee and ankle joints or are at risk for traumatic injuries. 

However, you don’t need to be an elite athlete to experience trigger points in the legs, as even wearing high heels can lead to muscle knots. 

Muscle groups in the front and back of the thigh, the calf, and even the foot can cause trigger points throughout the leg and become severe enough to drive alignment and dislocation issues in the knee and ankle. 

Trigger point injections can alleviate those cramping knots and allow you to stretch and move your muscles in ways that realign the joints.

Get the Relief You Deserve: Trigger Point Treatment at AIM

Trigger Point Injections, A smiling man wearing athletic clothing, holding a water bottle with his right hand faces a smiling woman wearing athletic clothing and a blue towel around her neck as she rests her right arm on the man's left shoulder

Ignoring muscle knots and areas where tightness doesn’t release with stretching and heat therapy can lead to more severe musculoskeletal conditions. 

If you’re experiencing pain from a trigger point, correctly diagnosing and treating the muscle is critical to your overall health.

Call AIM now at 770.232.6243 to schedule your free consultation for trigger point injections. 

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